Testosterone Therapy Myths and Facts

Admin • December 30, 2021

Testosterone is an essential hormone responsible for male growth and masculine characteristics. Most men experience peak testosterone levels during adolescence, with these levels gradually declining between 30 and 40.

While, in most cases, this decline is down to normal aging processes, it can sometimes result from hypogonadism, a disorder where the body fails to secrete testosterone in quantities.

Fortunately, men with low testosterone levels can relieve symptoms by opting for testosterone replacement therapy. This post will take a closer look at this treatment, offering facts, debunking myths, and sharing its benefits.

Common Myths of Testosterone Therapy

Though many men have benefited from testosterone therapy, there is still a lot of misinformation out there. Let’s debunk some of these myths.

Does Having Low T Make Testosterone Therapy Necessary?

Having low T doesn’t automatically mean that you will need replacement therapy. Only men with the correct symptoms and whose blood levels confirm their suspected condition should opt for testosterone replacement.

Can TRT Make You More Energetic?

Boosting your low T with TRT can return your energy levels to normal. Some men might also experience a buildup of muscle mass and a drop in body fat.

Can TRT Treat ED?

TRT might help you regain your ability to have erections, boosting your sex drive in the process. However, you should note that ED has several causes besides low testosterone levels.

We recommend consulting your doctor to determine the cause of your erection problems before opting for the treatment.

Advantages of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

While the results a patient experiences after treatment might differ, most patients report enjoying several benefits, including:

  • Improved energy level
  • Increase in bone mineral density and overall bone strength
  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Improvement in mood, fatigue, depression, and irritability
  • Improved red blood cell production, enhanced hemoglobin levels, and resolved anemia
  • Improved sex drive
  • Improved ability to maintain erections
  • Increased insulin sensitivity, which can reduce the risk of diabetes
  • Relief to disorders like osteoporosis, which are caused by testosterone deficiency

Professional Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Are you in need of testosterone replacement therapy? Reach out to Trinity Medical Center today and let us offer you the treatment you need to maximize your overall well-being.

Schedule your free consultation, sit down with a member of our highly qualified team, and tell them about your condition. They will conduct the necessary tests before providing you with a customized treatment plan.

Call Trinity Medical Center today at (256) 482-1505 and benefit from our testosterone replacement therapy.

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